about epiphany events

Epiphany Events, the epitome of sophistication in Seattle’s event planning scene, has curated a captivating roster of unforgettable affairs. From our signature event, ‘Venice is Sinking Masquerade Ball’ to the sultry ’50 Shades of Grey Soiree’ and the vibrant ‘Havana Nights,’ we’ve etched enduring memories into the city’s social scene. And not to forget ‘Gatsby’s Beautiful Little Fools’ and more.

Beyond our signature soirées, we offer expert event planning, seamless event management, and exquisite decor rental services, ensuring every detail is executed with the utmost precision.

behind the scenes

meet tracy

the vivacious force behind Epiphany Events. As a self-proclaimed social butterfly and a reformed party enthusiast, Tracy designs events that reflect her own passion for unforgettable experiences. Many of Tracy’s creations are sparked by a simple thought: ‘I wish this kind of party existed.’ This very idea led to the birth of the enchanting ‘Venice is Sinking Masquerade Ball’ in 2006 after a trip to Venice, where she brought back masks and dreamed of a masquerade ball where she could wear her own creation.

Over the 17 vibrant years of Epiphany Events, Tracy has curated a diverse portfolio of women’s networking events, educational gatherings, Girls Night Out soirees, and unforgettable themed parties, including the wildly popular 50 Shades of Grey soirées and the iconic Masquerade Ball.

some past favorites